26th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC)
Dates: TBD
Venue: TBD, TBD, TBD
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes.
The International Vacuum Electronics Conference provides a forum for presentation and discussion of topics on vacuum devices, vacuum microelectronics, applications of vacuum devices, and the theory and technological developments of vacuum electron devices. The Conference takes place for three days. The morning of the first day is devoted to a Plenary Session. The other two days and a half are filled by technical sessions and posters sessions.

Technical presentations spans the range from UHF to THz frequencies and presents current work in theory and computational tool development, active and passive components, systems, and supporting technologies.

Developers of systems will find that IVEC provides a unique snapshot into the current state-of-the-art in vacuum electronic devices. These devices continue to provide unmatched power and performance for advanced electromagnetic systems, particularly in the challenging frequency regimes of millimeter-wave and THz electronics. The meeting is configured to maximally disseminate useful information to device users, manufacturers, academics, and students.

IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS)
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, Piscataway
United States
Tel: +1-732-562 5442

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